

Available from Dostupno od
In Cinema / U kinu: Meeting Point Cinema, 12.10.2023 @ 18:00

Film info


Director: Khaled Abdulwahed

Original languages: Arabic, German

Editor: Khaled Abdulwahed

Cinematographer: Khaled Abdulwahed

Producer: pong film

Contact: Alex Gerbaulet, Khaled Abdulwahed

Informacije o filmu


Režija: Khaled Abdulwahed

Izvorni jezici: arapski, njemački

Montaža: Khaled Abdulwahed

Kamera: Khaled Abdulwahed

Producent: pong film

Kontakt: Alex Gerbaulet, Khaled Abdulwahed


A photo camera is cleaned. Click. The shutter works. Bright light. A crackle and hiss in the sound. A broken “Hello?” opens a conversation between Khaled Abdulwahed, a Syrian filmmaker living in Leipzig, and his father in Aleppo. The son reconstructs his father’s journey, arriving in the GDR as an exchange student in 1956. His son applies for asylum more than 60 years later as a refugee. The civil war in Syria separates their stories, the film brings them back together and continues them.


Fotoaparat je očišćen. Klik. Blenda radi. Jarko svjetlo. Pucketanje i siktanje u zvuku. Slomljeno “zdravo” otvara razgovor između Khaled Abdulwaheda, sirijskog filmskog autora iz Leipziga, i njegovog oca u Aleppu. Sin rekonstruira očevo putovanje, od dolaska u Istočnu Njemačku 1956. kao student na razmjeni. Više od 60 godina poslije, njegov sin traži azil kao izbjeglica. Građanski rat u Siriji razdvaja njihove ispovijesti, film ih ponovo spaja i nastavlja.

Directors Biography

Khaled Abdulwahed (1975, Homs, Syria) lives as an artist, photographer and filmmaker in Leipzig. Since 2011 he has realized numerous video art works as well as experimental documentaries, which have been shown worldwide at festivals as well as in art contexts, and some of which have received multiple awards. In 2016, his first feature-length film JELLYFISH about the Syrian civil war was invited to the Berlinale Forum. His current works include the short film Backyard (2018), the feature-length documentary film Purple Sea (2020) by Amel Alzakout, which Khaled co-directed, and his own second feature-length film Background (2023).

Biografija reditelja

Khaled Abdulwahed (1975, Homs, Sirija) je umjetnik, fotograf i filmski autor iz Leipziga. Od 2011. godine kreira video instalacije i eksperimentalne dokumentarne filmove prikazivane na brojnim internacionalnim festivalima i izložbama, a mnogi su osvojili prestižne nagrade. Njegov prvi dugometražni film “Jellyfish” o sirijskom građanskom ratu je uvršten u selekciju Berlinale Foruma 2016. Njegovi filmovi su kratki “Backyard” (2018), dugometražni dokumentarni film “Purple Sea” (2020) Amela Alzakouta, u zajedničkoj režiji sa Khaledom, i drugi dugometražni film “Podloga” (2023).


FID Marseille, France, 2023 – Grand Prix International Competition


FID Marseille, France, 2023 – Grand Prix International Competition