Film Festival
About Zoom Rights in School

Zoom Rights in School is a platform created to suport educators in the process of formal and nonformal education. The program strives to entice an exchange of opinions and expreiences of the topics young people find difficult to discuss or have difficulties exploring within the formal education process. One of the primary goals of Zoom Rights in School is developing a sensibility towards independent cinema and and audiovisual arts.

Zoom Rights in School consists of two main segments: (1) Close cooperation with teachers, which entails familiarizing educators working in primary and secondary education with the audiovisual materials of ZRIS. These materials are meant to serve as a creative supplement to the set teaching units and materials within the curricula of individual subjects. (2) Working closely with students, which entails providing a substantial amount of readily available audiovisual materials and films, establishing film clubs, establishing mentorships within an array of initiatives and projects and organizing creative contests.

The Zoom Rights in School methodology is conceived through a set of two handbooks: Zoom Rights in School and Zoom Youth Employment, both of which were produced with the immense contribution of and cooperation with teachers and educators from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Zoom Rights in School methodology and the handbook were developed with support from the National Endowment for Democracy from Washington D.C.

The Zoom Youth Employment methodology and the handbook were developed in cooperation with the Youth Employment Project (YEP), with support from the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For more information on using the handbook and the selected audio-visual materials, as well as films, please contact us at .

For relevant content, information regarding the program and news about the methodology, handbooks and the Zoom Rights in School program, visit our facebook page and twitter.

Work with us

Pravo Ljudski offers free access to its two teaching toolkits to all teachers and educators currently working at primary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

If you would like to get one of our toolkits and attend trainings on the use of audio-visual arts and film in classroom environment, contact us at