Film Festival
Creative Doc School Ko je vidio video?

Ko je vidio Video?! – Creative Documentary Film School 

Ko je vidio Video?! the creative documentary film school of the Pravo Ljudski Film Festival is an all-inclusive learning process of maturation and empowerment of youth to use video as a form for artistic expression.

Artistic Directors:

Kumjana Novakova & Guillermo Carreras-Candi

Film Tutors:

Guillermo Carreras-Candi, Srđan Keča, Vladimir Tomić

Because an internet connection and a camera phone never were and never will be enough.

KVV is essentially an introductory lesson into the neverending dialogue of sharing. It ties together the shoelaces of making hasty assumptions and jumping to conclusions – something that would have otherwise demanded years of isolated revalations, if not for the intimacy of its design. This, particularly, because it targets the isolation designated for the sensibilities of bus-stop screenwriters and the bedroom auteurs of eventual acheivement – and dissolves it. You make friends. You meet people who’ve also never seen the inside bits of a camera – but still for some mysterious force or a past life, really really want to.

Farah Hasanbegovic, former participant